I do a 0.5-mile jog almost every morning.

I do a 0.5-mile jog almost every morning. Since it’s so short I can rarely make an excuse not to do it. It takes less than 5 minutes. To reduce the production value, I always do it in a t-shirt and shorts regardless of the weather. In the winter it was nice because it gave… Continue reading I do a 0.5-mile jog almost every morning.

So You’re Hungover As All Heck. Now What?

You’ve woken up. Your mouth is dry. You’re head is throbbing. Your stomach doesn’t feel great. Maybe you’re still a little tipsy. Sadly you’re hungover. Now is not the time to evaluate last night’s life choices. Now is the time for action. Now is the time to cure your hangover. Here’s 10 things you can… Continue reading So You’re Hungover As All Heck. Now What?

The Best Peppermint Tea

The best peppermint tea is Celestial Seasonings. I actually think a true “peppermint” tea is quite rare. Many tea makers will blend various mint from around the world, making a minty but not quite smooth flavor. Celestial Seasonings sources their mint from the high deserts of Oregon and Washington. It keeps the tea in a… Continue reading The Best Peppermint Tea