Why to Pick Andrew Yang as Your President in 2020 (Op-ed)

Andrew Yang - Altoona, Iowa with Truck Driver (by Luke Hansen)

Public enemy #1 is the health consequences of stress that lead to some of the US’s leading causes of early death: heart disease, addiction, and suicide. Public enemy #2 is our existential threats, things like climate change, natural disasters including earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, tsunamis, asteroid impacts, solar flares, and mass pandemics. We need to solve… Continue reading Why to Pick Andrew Yang as Your President in 2020 (Op-ed)

What is America Doing Right? (Op-Ed)

America is a wealthy country where 84% of the country is not impoverished. And poverty is the default state of the human condition so kudos to industrialization and technological innovation. America has Welfare (housing & financial), Medicaid, Foodstamps and charities available for impoverished citizens. Though imperfect these public and private social safety nets provide so… Continue reading What is America Doing Right? (Op-Ed)

Yelp Won’t Save Itself, So Consumers Have To

(This article in an opinion piece on how Yelp or new Yelp users can work to improve Yelp as a service.) Yelp is fledgling. They’re advocating for antitrust action against Google in Europe and the US. They’re even participating in an anti-Google lobby which recently served this author a LinkedIn ad. These regulatory pushes are… Continue reading Yelp Won’t Save Itself, So Consumers Have To