Fight Fire with Fire: The Radical Success of Oregon’s Prescribed Burn Program (Fiction)

Introduction This fictional narrative is largely inspired by by the ecological debate on the importance of fire for environmental well being. Great places to learn more about this coversation are Dr. Paul Hessberg’s TedX talk, Era of Megafires, and Outside Magazines podcast on an actual story of this issue in action: The latest @outsidemagazine podcast… Continue reading Fight Fire with Fire: The Radical Success of Oregon’s Prescribed Burn Program (Fiction)

So Intense: @ForestServiceNW Tweets a Timeline of the St Helens Eruption Commemorating the Eruption’s 38th Anniversary

The St Helens Eruption in Tweets The NW Branch of the US Forest Service Counts down the May 18th, 1980 Mt St Helens eruption via tweets: A serene scene of a family fishing on Spirit Lake under the seemingly peaceful eye of Mount St. Helens a brief time before the eruption. #History #photography —… Continue reading So Intense: @ForestServiceNW Tweets a Timeline of the St Helens Eruption Commemorating the Eruption’s 38th Anniversary