Google Chrome Extensions I Can’t Live Without

Google Chrome extensions are add-ons for your Google Chrome web browsers. They add additional functionality that layers onto your web browser experience. As you add Chrome extensions, be sure to be conscientious of their impact on site speed as well as their security. I tend to trust browser extensions with at least 1,000 downloads and… Continue reading Google Chrome Extensions I Can’t Live Without

How I save money with the FatCoupon promo code browser extension and deal app

Full disclosure, I’m the head of marketing for the FatCoupon browser extension and app. That said, I practice what I preach, and actively use and the FatCoupon Google Chrome extension to save money when I shop online.  What is Fat Coupon?  Typo above, it’s actually one word: FatCoupon. FatCoupon is a deal website,;… Continue reading How I save money with the FatCoupon promo code browser extension and deal app