We found 23 results for your search.

Universal Basic Income is a Correct Response to COVID-19

Smart people are calling for universal basic income (UBI) in response to economic disruptions wrought by COVID-19. UBI will serve as an economic floor to help a huge swath of society pay bills, buy groceries, and most importantly as a necessary cash infusion so families and individuals can afford to shelter in place in order… Continue reading Universal Basic Income is a Correct Response to COVID-19

Despite Mayor Tubbs’s Concerns, Yang’s Opt-in Model for Universal Basic Income Will Work (op-ed)

The Sacramento Bee published an article titled: Stockton’s mayor doesn’t like Andrew Yang’s universal basic income plan. Here’s why. In the 30 minute interview about Mayor Tubbs own universal basic income (UBI) pilot, the interviewer asks Tubbs, “do you support Andrew Yang’s UBI plan?”  In response, Tubbs says he does not support the plan because participants… Continue reading Despite Mayor Tubbs’s Concerns, Yang’s Opt-in Model for Universal Basic Income Will Work (op-ed)

Six Existential Problems Universal Basic Income Is Likely to Solve

First, what is universal basic income (UBI)? UBI is an unconditionally given amount of money to all citizens. In the US, the figure most commonly discussed is $1,000/month to everyone who is 18 years or age or older. Sounds crazy, right? It wasn’t crazy to Dr. King, Jr: Here’s more: Check out these videos for… Continue reading Six Existential Problems Universal Basic Income Is Likely to Solve

Wim Hof Breathing, Basic Income, and My Eczema Cure; Top Article Roundup 🤠 2020

This article is a list of my most read articles of 2020 — this has been a busy year, with less writing and fewer pageviews. A big part of this is that 2019 was very much about Andrew Yang and Universal Basic Income. In turn, I had a great deal of 2019 traffic thanks to… Continue reading Wim Hof Breathing, Basic Income, and My Eczema Cure; Top Article Roundup 🤠 2020

Audience Intel With SparkToro, a Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I was graciously granted a week of premium access to hot new audience research tool SparkToro in exchange for this sincere review. I’ve been following this project for some time, so was stoked to get in there and take a look around premium level features.  This review is not paid aside from premium level access… Continue reading Audience Intel With SparkToro, a Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Farewell Tweets to Andrew Yang

For posterity, here are some incredible farewell tweets to Andrew Yang. Andrew Yang made a deep impression on the Democratic Party, podcast hosts, and of course the Yang Gang. He started a conversation with America about universal basic income that will endure, and maybe one day become official US policy. This warm send off fits… Continue reading Farewell Tweets to Andrew Yang

Ode to Iowa (Poem)

Photo by Kayla Chapin, https://www.instagram.com/p/BALZzNsnI2a/

Ode to Iowa What does Iowa smell like? I just heard some people sitting next to me at Robo Taco call it a “wasteland.” There’s brilliant sunsets in Iowa I’m sure. There’s obscure swimming holes in big rivers and small creeks. People love; some probably haven’t found the love they want yet, and others madly… Continue reading Ode to Iowa (Poem)

How to Eat Cruelty Free in Your Neighborhood

Photo by K Kannan on Unsplash

A neighbor on Nextdoor recently posted about trouble finding organic and cruelty free meat in Portland. This is a task that is surprisingly confusing and ripe with misinformation. Here’s the original question, with my response below. The Cruelty Free and Sustainable Question “A question I’ve been struggling to find the answer to for years. Where… Continue reading How to Eat Cruelty Free in Your Neighborhood

Andrew Yang Is Top Trending Candidate During the January Democratic Primary Debate

Andrew Yang wasn’t in the January 14th Democratic Party primary debate, however his hashtag, #AmericaNeedsYang out trended all other candidates during the debates on Twitter. This article is a list of tweets that contributed to this trend or expressed forlorn at the Yang free debate. I’ve been supporting Andrew Yang since I first heard him… Continue reading Andrew Yang Is Top Trending Candidate During the January Democratic Primary Debate