Google Chrome extensions are add-ons for your Google Chrome web browsers. They add additional functionality that layers onto your web browser experience. As you add Chrome extensions, be sure to be conscientious of their impact on site speed as well as their security. I tend to trust browser extensions with at least 1,000 downloads and a 4 star or higher reputation.
Automatic Promo Codes and Rewards with FatCoupon
FatCoupon is a deal website, Google Chrome Extension, and iOS/Android app that automatically applies really good promo codes when you shop online. I like that their Google Chrome extension doesn’t slow down my computer like Honey and Rakuten. Their promo codes are applied automatically, and they will often stack on top of sale prices. I’ve gotten promo codes from them for GAP, Carter’s, Nike, and Amazon. Their Amazon flash sales section on their website has great deals as well.
Grammarly – Spell and grammar check but on ‘roids
I’ve been using Grammarly for years. It is a spelling and grammar check that follows you around the internet. This year, they finally got the ability to check Google docs as well. I use Grammarly for everything from emails, to google docs, to checking social media posts. If you want proper spelling and grammar, especially for work. Use Grammarly.
Marketing Extensions
As a digital marketer for over 15 years, Google Chrome extensions have been invaluable to my marketing efforts. I use Grammarly as mentioned above and these great extensions:
- ColorZilla – this tells me the color code of any color, anywhere on the internet!! It’s great for perfectly matching colors from brand assets to other design elements.
- Google Tag Assistant for troubleshooting and validating Google Tag Manager configurations
- Google Optimize for validating AB test setups
- Facebook Pixel Helper – both for tracking my own pixel configurations, and for seeing what other websites and even my competitors are tracking.
Google Arts and Culture
Google Arts and Culture puts a new master piece up every time I open a new tab. I can refresh to see a new piece of art, and save my favorites. It’s really classed up my Chrome browsing experience.
There you have it! I try to avoid using more than 5-10 extensions at any one time because they really can slow down your web browsing experience. This combination of Chrome extensions has not effected my computer speed though.
In the comments, please let me know what Chrome Browser Extensions or Edge Add-Ons you can’t live with out.
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